Get involved in developing the SFS

The Money Advice Service is inviting organisations to join a consultative group to provide insight on their early experiences of the Standard Financial Statement.

The Standard Financial Statement (SFS) was launched on 1 March 2017 by various advice providers and the Insolvency Service in England and Wales. There is now a transition period when the remaining advice providers and creditors will switch to the SFS. This is expected to conclude by April 2018.

To support and inform the governance group who have been overseeing the SFS development, MAS are running two ‘Consultative Group’ events in London on 25 July and Manchester on 27 July.

These consultative groups should have a much wider membership across the operational side of stakeholder organisations, allowing front-line feedback and data on the usage of the SFS to the governance group, as well as raising any queries arising from usage or ongoing implementation work. The group will also explore future developments of the SFS.

We would like to invite any organisations wishing to be involved in the consultative group to register for a ticket on the event page below:

Register to attend the SFS Consultative Group 

The meetings are open to all stakeholders, though spaces are limited and we would ask that no more than two people from each organisation attends.