Apply to use the SFS

Applying for an SFS membership does not commit organisations to using the SFS. Creditors may require access to SFS spending guidelines in order to:

Handle customer financial statements from debt advice agencies

Consider implementing the SFS within internal collection or recovery processes

Creditors that decide to implement the SFS internally would then be subject to the SFS code of conduct

Please check your organisation does not already have a current SFS Licence

Check here

* Indicates required fields

0 errors prevented submission

Your organisation

Are you a member of Citizens Advice?*

National Citizens Advice have been provided with one licence which can be used by all members, to gain access to this please contact

Main channel(s) of delivery *
What geographical regions does your services cover? [multiple choice, please tick all that apply] *
Are you live with the SFS?*
Is your organisation registered with the Financial Conduct Authority?*
What type of organisation are you? *

About You

Please note, only two contacts can be registered for each organisation. As a registered contact, any communication from the SFS Team will be sent directly to you. It is then your responsibility to cascade this to your wider teams.

Secondary contact details

Your Membership

If you belong to a trade or membership body, please select from the list below: *

Code of Conduct agreement

Please tick this box to confirm you agree to the SFS Code of Conduct, which provides a guide to best practice use of the SFS.