LSB Evaluation of SFS

The Money Advice Service have partnered with the Lending Standards Board (LSB) to evaluate the implementation of the SFS and assess its current effectiveness.

With the SFS having been in use for nearly two years, we want to learn from the implementation process and assess its current effectiveness. This will include whether our current communication and accessible tools are sufficient for an effective implementation by organisations and what could be improved. We also want to ensure that the formats, code of conduct and guidance are all being used consistently as intended.

To achieve this, we have partnered with the Lending Standards Board (LSB) who will produce an independent analysis. The first step is a survey questionnaire open to all SFS users, which should take around 10 minutes. If you have not yet completed your implementation of the SFS, or if you are a small business who only required the SFS for a single use then there is the option to let us know and you will not need to fill in the rest of the survey.

A small sample of organisations who have implemented the SFS will also be identified for a brief site visit to allow LSB to consider SFS implementation first-hand in a live environment.

The results of this survey and the site visits will be summarised and anonymised in a report due to be published in Q2 2019.

If you have any questions or concerns relating to this survey then feel free to contact MAS at

An email with further information and a link to the survey will be sent to members shortly.